We know you know that Dime Bags’ have removable, customizable patches, but did you know what we have the Patches with a Purpose program? Dime Bags has always prided itself on being a socially conscious company, from our eco-friendly hempster material to volunteering in our local community. But today we’re shining a light on the three new patches that were adding to our Patches with a Purpose program. We’re proud to debut our National Wildlife RescueSave the Rainforest, and Save the Bees patches alongside our previous patches Athletes for Care and Autism Climbs

When you purchase one of these five patches, every cent of sales, not just profit, goes to their respectable non-profit organization. So you get the benefit of both a dope new customizable patch for your Dime Bag while feeling good about supporting a cause that’s changing the world! How cool is that? Learn more about each organization and how they’re making a difference below. 

Shop Patches with a Purpose

National Wildlife Rescue Patch for National Fish and Wildlife Foundation

National Wildlife Rescue
You don’t have to be Smokey the Bear to care about your national wildlife. From wildfires to weather events annihilating our coastlines; our national parks, animals, and fish need help from humans more than ever. The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) works towards addressing conservation conflicts and prepare for future challenges impacting fish, wildlife, and local communities across the country.  

Our patch featuring Bigfoot himself will send sales towards this nonprofit that specializes in bringing all parties together to the table to protect and restore imperiled species, promote healthier oceans, improve landscapes for wildlife, and conserve water. They award grants to many different types of programs that help all kinds of wildlife if you’d like to find out about a specific program visit www.nfwf.org/programs


By using clear criteria on how and where to invest their resources, NFWF maximizes its impact on both the species and ecosystems that are the most in need of conservation. The key to their decision-making is to base decisions on strong, science-based evidence. If you believe in science proven facts and conserving the land and lives of our nation’s animals, get this patch today!

Save the F*ing Rainforest Patch for Rainforest Foundation US

save the rainforest
Did you know that the entirety of the human species depends on rainforests? They provide stability to our climate and even absorb 30% of the world’s CO2 emissions each year. Rainforests are even a source of life-saving medicines! They are also the home to more than HALF of the world’s plant and animal species, so do you really need more of a reason to save the f*ing rainforest? 
Our tucan donned patch’s profits will go towards the Rainforest Foundation US. This nonprofit organization protects the rainforests of Central and South America by working with the indigenous communities that call them home. By investing directly in indigenous communities, they connect people who are deeply motivated to conserve their ancestral lands with the tools, training, and resources necessary to protect their rainforests.








Rainforest Foundation US

The Rainforest Foundation US has found out that rainforests that are protected by the indigenous communities that are living in them have the lowest rates of deforestation in Central and South America. You can learn even more about the history of deforestation, its impacts and ways we can prevent it in this comprehensive guide by Rachel Brown. So do your part, save the rainforest and show your interest on your favorite Dime Bag. 

Save the Bees Patch for Pollinator Partnership

Save the bees

We’ve all heard it, bumblebees are at risk, thanks to habitat loss, climate change, pathogen spillover, and harmful pesticides. Why does it matter if bumblebees go the way of the dinosaur though? Well, they are an important part of our ecosystem, they pollinate many important food crops and keep our growing things growing! 

 That’s why we’re donating to Pollinator Partnership, their mission is to promote the health of pollinators, critical to food and ecosystems, through conservation, education, and research. This nonprofit also manages the North American Pollinator Protection Campaign, which is a collaborative group of over 120 organizations and individuals that promote and implement a content-wide action plan that encourages activities that protect the health of all pollinating animals. 

Pollinator Partnership Dime Bags

Bees are an important, but fragile part of our lives, we should all take a little bit of time to appreciate the fuzz butts that help our food grow. Once they’re gone, we don’t have a solution, so support the bees and tell anyone who will listen that they need our help! 

Do you know of an organization that would look great on a Dime Bags patch? We’d love to hear about them and possibly work with them. Please reach out to marketing@dimebags.com and tell us more about the non-profit and why they deserve a spotlight with Dime Bags. 

Shop Patches with a Purpose

August 27, 2020 — Jacki Stewart

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